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Crystal Mandalas

The images you see here are not “computer art” as such. They are actual photographs of the visible reflections of rainbow colors found inside some natural crystals - usually quartz. The colors are the natural reflections from the inclusions found inside of the crystals photographed - and thus vary depending on which crystal was photographed, and the physical makeup of the crystal itself. Nothing has been added to create these images!

Each of the Mandalas created comes from a different photograph, and each one is unique. They encompass the natural color, symmetry and power that has taken millions of years to form within the crystal! Use the images for meditation, or to just increase the energy in a room. All images are available with a Flower of Life overlay as well!

These images are a powerful example of the natural energy and symmetry of Nature, and the infinite possibilities contained therein. They draw us in to that deep inner place of peace and connection to the divine that defines our very makeup.

Ordering: As this page is still under construction as far as putting together an internet ordering system, please contact me with the number of ithe mage you are interested in and the size you would like. I can provide them matted with archival white mats or unmatted if you prefer. Typical print sizes with a 2" mat are: 8" - $20, 12" - $35, 14" - $60, 16" - $85, 20" - $ 140, 24" - $195. Larger sizes available - these are large files that can go up to 60" and larger! Please enquire. Shipping additional. Silk wall hangings coming soon!

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#13 #14 #15 #1#166
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Here are some examples of the Mandalas with the Flower of Life overlay: